POS Integrations


The NearSt FTP Gateway and HTTP API allow POS providers to upload basic stock availability information for their shops, which NearSt processes into rich product profiles accessed by Google, Facebook and other platform partners.

Our basic integration works by uploading three bits of information about every product available in the shop in a CSV or Excel file to NearSt every 15 minutes: barcode, quantity, price. This can happen via FTP or via HTTP, identifying the shop with a unique upload key.

NearSt offers other ways of integrating with POS providers and shops as well. If you want to discuss other options, please feel free to contact us.

Technical summary

The FTP Gateway is the easiest way to integrate with NearSt.

Each shop that signs up for NearSt gets a unique upload key. With that key, you can sign in to our FTP server and upload the current stock information in the form of a CSV or Excel file (preferably through a cron job or scheduled task).

Alternatively, you can also upload CSV or Excel files via our HTTP API.

About NearSt

NearSt is a retail technology company getting people back into high street shops. We're connecting every product in every shop worldwide to the web, making it as easy to find something you want nearby as it is today to find it online.

Our technology, NearLive, connects to any shop inventory system and turns raw stock into quality live inventory that today is already trusted by the likes of Google and others to power local product search.

We believe Real-Time Local Inventory data will transform the way the world thinks about retail, and that the high street has a bright and thriving future ahead of it.

Learn more at near.st (opens in a new tab).